Course Overview
Online Japanese Level 21 is an Upper Elementary Japanese course for students who have been studying the Japanese language for quite some time and who are wanting to progress to a more advanced level. Online Japanese Level 21 requires that you have previously studied Japanese Level 20 or a course of at least 240 class hours. If you’re unsure of your level, then take our quick Japanese language level test here, or check our level chart.
Our Online Japanese language classes take place via Zoom with a qualified, experienced teacher and fellow students. The interactive lessons emulate our face-to-face classes, and via teacher screen-sharing, students are able to experience a live classroom environment. From vocabulary activities and covering grammar points on the white board, to listening exercises, file sharing and ‘break-out rooms’ to practise speaking with classmates, students can learn without leaving the comfort of their homes. Take a look at an example of one of our online classes in this video.
Course Content
Communication points
– Giving instructions
– Order of actions
– Making a suggestion
– Seeking advice
Grammar points
– Conditionals
– Polite forms
– Ta-form
– Nai-form
(1) わたしが言(い)ったとおりに書(か)いてください。
(2) 手(て)を洗(あら)ったあとで、ご飯(はん)を食(た)べます。
(3) かさを持(も)たないで出(で)かけます。
(4) 春(はる)になれば 桜(さくら)がさきます。
(5) 天気(てんき)がよければ、ここから富士山(ふじさん)が見(み)えます。
(6) 京都(きょうと)りょこうなら、10月(がつ)がいいです。
(7) ごみを捨(す)てたいんですが、どこに捨(す)てたらいいですか。
– Tea
– Cooking
– Proverbs
– Travelling
– Accommodation rules
Course Book – Minna no Nihon-go Beginners Book 2
Chapter 34 & 35
Revision I
Revision of adverbs, conjunctions & conversational expressions
Class Information
- Average class size: 8 (maximum 12)
- Students must be 18+ years old
- Existing language ability: 240 class hours of previous Japanese language study required
- Classes will take place via Zoom
Class Schedule
- The classes are 1.5 hours per week
- The course runs for 8 weeks
- The course takes place on weekday evenings 18:30 – 20:00
- The possible study options for this course are as follows:
Tuesdays: 1st July – 19th August 2025
Thursdays: 4th September – 23rd October 2025
Mondays: 27th October – 15th December 2025
What do you need for an online class?
To get the most from this course you will need:
- A reliable internet connection
- A desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone
- A web camera on or attached to the device you are using
- An integrated microphone in the device you are using or an attached headset
- The day before your course, you will be sent via email all the details you need to connect to the IH London Zoom classroom
This language course includes:
- Access to our online platform to download lesson summaries, notes and resources
- Support and advice from Japanese language teachers
- Japanese language study tips
Need assistance choosing your course?
Take a look at our FAQs page which has lots of information about our classes.
FAQs – Foreign Languages- Course selection
- Personal details
- Transfer
- Accommodation
- Insurance
- Confirm & pay