Our expert trainers are our greatest asset. Leaders in the field of English language, many of whom are published authors, our trainers are devoted to their field. Regularly speaking at conferences and events around the world, you can trust the most experienced minds in the industry to help you further your own knowledge. You can find out more about the whole team on our meet the trainers page.
We have worked hard to make sure that our online courses are jam packed with practical ideas. Learning online with IH London is interactive, engaging and fun.
To take part in our online courses you will need a laptop or computer with a stable internet connection, camera and microphone.

Learn with Adrian Underhill
Sound foundations author Adrian Underhill shares his expertise in pronunciation and performance in this expert course. Develop your own personal expression in the classroom and refine skills to help your learners bring their spoken English to life.
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IH London Mentor Online
Experience bespoke mentoring sessions designed around your needs. You choose the focus, we provide the expertise. Courses of flexible length created to suit your individual requirements. Benefit from one-to-one or one-to-two support from an experienced teacher trainer.
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with Barry Tomalin
This is a fully online course for teachers, management trainers, HR Managers, and Learning and Development Managers who want to improve their knowledge and skills in intercultural training in business.
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