Working with the community

IH London is very proud of its Educational Trust status, we’re not accountable to shareholders or driven by profits, any profits, or surplus, we make go towards promoting better education for all in our field.

Guided by our Public Benefit and Partnerships Committee, these initiatives help the Trust to fulfil our commitment to raising the standards of English language teaching and training worldwide. The IH London school also works to promote and raise money for charitable causes that our students and staff care about.

Giving all students the opportunity to learn English

An important goal of the IH Trust is to help people in acquiring English skills who have limited access to English classes.

Teaching at Crisis

IH London and the IH Trust are running a project to teach ESOL at the homeless charity Crisis. Students who attend these classes are either homeless, have been homeless within the past five years, or are at risk of being homeless. Many of these students are economic and political refugees with few opportunities to learn English elsewhere.

Head to the IH London blog to read an interview with Veena Torchia, Manager of Accredited Learning at Crisis Skylight, about this important project.

IH London teaching at crisis
IH London teaching at crisis

Supporting STAR – Student Action for Refugees

The International House Trust is also working with STAR, Student Action for Refugees, through its London school, IH London.

Emily Crowley, who heads up this project for STAR said: “STAR is delighted to announce a new partnership with International House London.”

“International House London is one of the UK’s leading language schools, with over 50 years of experience in providing language courses and teacher training programmes.”

“They will be supporting STAR’s work to deliver English Conversation Clubs to refugees and asylum seekers across the UK by providing English language training and support to STAR student volunteers and staff. We are grateful to International House for this very generous charitable donation and look forward to working with them.”

Supporting language teaching and training in the UK and overseas

The IH Trust Development Committee works to support language teaching and training in the UK and overseas for people who might otherwise not have access to such courses.

IH Trust Scholarships

Many of the scholarships awarded by the IH Trust, including the John Haycraft Classroom Exploration Scholarship and our Global Reach award, help teachers and trainers to attend the annual International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference.

International House Trust and IATEFL training award

International House Trust, in partnership with IATEFL, offer an annual training award to IATEFL Associate Teacher Associations in the developing world that consists of 20 training days delivered Association’s own country or region.

The aim of the award is to support existing teacher development programmes within IATEFL Associates by providing relevant trainer and teacher training and for that training to be disseminated into the local teaching community.

Fundraising for important causes

Every year IH London students and teachers organise and take part in special charity events. Over the years these events have ranged from making origami to selling cupcakes to singing and dancing, and have raised £1000s for causes like Save the Children’s East Africa appeal, Children in Need and the Japanese Red Cross relief appeal.

Comic Relief

A regular event at the school is the Red Nose day cake sale. We have one every year without fail. We like cakes! This year we managed to raise £500 for Children in Need which the IH Trust rounded up to £1,000.

Low cost and free English lessons for the community

We run low-cost lessons for the community with our trainee teachers and the classes are free if a person is a refugee, an asylum seeker or over 65 years old.


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